Waldstueck [section of a forest]
From 5 February 2008 to 5 February 2011, the public could listen to the deletion process of an unedited, 24-hour field recording made in a section of a forest. The 24-hour field recording was transferred to a web server and randomly, successively and automatically deleted over a period of three years (on average, and subdivided into small and smallest units, approx. 78 seconds per day)
The 24-hour audio recording was made by Christoph Korn on June 22 and 23, 2007. The section of the forest where the recording took place is located near former concentration camp Dachau/Germany.
"Section of a Forest" is solely a piece of work about this section of a forest. No statement is made about "Dachau", neither is there an intention to do so. The work, however, searches for the proximity to what "Dachau" stands for, about which it cannot say anything.
Since 5 February 2011 nothing more can be heard. What remains are 24 hours of silence. The 24 hours of silence remains accessible via the archive of Christoph Korn.
Video Documentation of the deletion process Text by Achim Wollscheid Text by Marcel Stoetzler notes by Christoph Korn radioplay

Section of a Forest, where the audio recording took place. Photo taken on June 22, 2007.
"Waldstueck".Christoph Korn, © 2008
Editor : Manfred Hess (radioplay, Hessischer Rundfunk), Frank Kämpfer (Forum for New Music, Deutschlandfunk)
With funding by "Stiftung Kunstfonds". WEB Development: Stefan Hartmann, wemove digital solutions, Berlin
Prix Ars Electronica, Honorary Mention (Digital Musics), 2009